Dream Boy is a 2008 gay movie about two teenage boys who fall in love amidst the tragic life of one of them. Nathan Davies is a 15 year old boy who has just moved in with his parents in a rural area called St. Francesville. He begins to attend St. Patrick Parish School. The school bus driver is a kid next door a year older than Nathan called Roy. Roy also attends the same school and they become friends with Nathan.
Roy asks Nathan to help him with his English homework. They soon begin hanging out more regularly. Nathan makes a homosexual move on Roy. Roy hesitates but agrees and they soon begin a gay sexual affair. Roy begins inviting Nathan to go out with his friends Burke and Randy. Nathan's dad is not comfortable with his absence in the house due to Roy's company. His mother is more willing to let him make friends. One day he comes back late and his father confronts him. That night his father tries to come into his bed but he runs out of the house to lie in the woods. It is revealed his father has been sexually abusing him and the mother seems to know.
Nathan continues to stay outside to avoid his father. Roy gets him a place in their compound to sleep. Roy invites him to go camping with Burke and Randy in the woods. While in the woods Nathan and Roy make love in their tent. Nathan gives Roy oral sex which the latter also does. Next day they go into an abandoned building in the woods at night. It is rumored to be haunted. Nathan sees ghosts of his father calling and touching him. He feels as if he has been in that house before. His father might have sexually abused him while he was a little boy in the same house. Roy takes him into a room and goes on his knees to give him oral sex. Randy and Burke catch them in the act and are shocked. Roy goes off upset. Burke later comes and hits Nathan unconscious and takes him upstairs. Burke rapes Nathan then hits him on the head after that. Nathan dies. Roy is depressed by the loss of his lover.